Exotic East Coast
After our adventures in the other Portland, we nestled in for a week and a half at Laura’s parent’s house in Epping, New Hampshire- or at...
The Other Portland
After our adventures in Montreal, we were all needing to reset our internal clocks. Staying up until four in the morning and having to be...
So Vogue- Clown Modeling
Update by Laura Loy: There aren't too many times that a touring, self-producing, artist's life is glamorous. But, every so often, this...
Party City aka "Montreal"
Let’s be honest- Montreal Fringe is a great festival to start off your tour, especially for young people. People have called it the party...
Montreal or Bust!
Wow! We’ve been on the road for over a month already and it really only feels like a couple days. I’ve got a lot to catch you up on, but...
Pocket Theatre Adventures with Minion Productions
Our summer adventures are just about to begin and we’re well underway in preparation. One show down, two shows left to go and then we are...